9. Scalar Chain
- This principle states that the orders or communications should pass through proper channels of authority in a hierarchy along the scalar chain.
- Gang Plank – Fayol has suggested that in case of emergency, an employee can communicate with another employee in the same rank to avoid delay in communication. This is known as gang plank. It is supposed to be an exception of gang plank. A is at the top having B and L as immediate subordinate . B and L are having immediate subordinate C and M and so on. The communication flows from A to B to C to D while coming from top to bottom. Now if information has to be communicated from C to M it must flow from C to B to A to L and them to M. Fayol suggested that the scalar chain system take time and therefore it must be substituted by gang plank which is shown in the form of dotted line in the figure below. So, Gang plank is temporary arrangement between 2 different points to facilitate quick and easy communication.
10. Order
- It takes time to put things in order. So, the management must bring about order, harmony and regulation in work through appropriate organization.
- The principle “Right place for everything and for every man” and everything should be at its place has to be observed. To follow this principle it is important to select competent personnel, right assessment of duties to employees and good organization.
11. Equity
- Equity is combination of justice and kindness. Equity in treatment and behavior is liked by everyone and it brings loyalty in the organization. The application of equality requires good sense, experience, and good nature for soliciting loyalty and devotion from subordinate.
12. Stability of Tenure of Personnel
- Fayol suggested that the employees must be given sufficient time to prove their ability and their jobs or roles which should not be changed frequency.
- In order to motivate workers to perform additional and improved quality and quantity of work, it is necessary to assure them of their jobs.
- If they have a fear of insecurity of their job, their morale will be low and they cannot deliver sufficient quality and quantity of work.
13. Initiative
- Within the limits of authority and discipline, managers should encourage their employees for taking initiative.
- Initiative is concerned with thinking out and execution of a plan.
- Initiative increases zeal and energy on the part of human beings.
14. Espirit de’ Corps
- This is the principle of “union is strength” and extension of unity of command for establishing team work.
- The manager should encourage esprit de corps among his employees.
- Harmony and unity among the staff are a great source of strength to the undertaking. To achieve this, Fayol suggested two things. Firstly divide and rule should be avoided and secondly verbal communication should be used for removing misunderstandings.