Operation Research – Meaning, Definition and Characteristics

Characteristics/Features of O.R.

1. System orientation

O.R. study the situation or problem as a whole. This means that an activity by any part of an organization has some effect on the activity of every other part. The optimum result of one part of a system may not be the optimum for some other part. Therefore, to evaluate an decision, one must identify all possible interactions and determine their impact on the organization as a whole.

2. Scientific approach

O.R. uses scientific methods to solve the problems. Most of the scientific studies such as chemistry, physics, biology etc. can be carried out in the laboratories, without much interference form the outside world. Bust same is not true in the systems under study by OR teams. So, OR is an formalized process of reasoning. Under OR the problem is to be analysed ad defined clearly. Observations are made under different conditions to  study the behavior of the system. On the basis of these observations a hypothesis describing how the various factors involved are believed to interact and the best solution to the problem is formulated. To test the hypothesis experiment is designed and executed. Observations are made and measurement s are recorded. Finally results of the experiments are studied and the hypothesis is accepted or rejected. So, OR is the use of scientific method to solve the problem under study.

3. Inter-disciplinary team approach

O.R. is performed by a team of scientists whose individual members have been drawn from different scientific and engineering disciplines . For example, one may find a mathematician, statistician, physicist, psychologist, economist and an engineer working together on an OR problem.

4. Uncovering new problems

Solution of an OR problem may uncover a number of new problems. In order to derive the maximum benefit each one of them must be solved. OR is not effectively used if It is restricted to one shot problems only. In order to derive full benefits, continuity of research must be maintained.

5. Decision making

OR is a decision science which helps management to make better decisions.

6. Use of Information Technology (IT)

O.R. often requires a computer to solve the complex mathematical model or to perform a large number of computations that ae involved. Use of digital computer has become an integral part of the operations research approach to decision making.

7. Quantitative solution

Operations research provides the managers with a quantitative basis for decision making. OR attempts to provide a systematic and rational approach for quantitative solution to the various managerial problems.

8. Human factors

In deriving quantitative solution we do not consider human factors, which doubtlessly plays a great role in the problems. So study of the OR is incomplete without a study of human factors.

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