It implies the assignment of an employee to a job of lower rank with lower pay. It refers to downward movement of an employee in the organizational hierarchy with lower status and lower salary. Demotion is just opposite of promotion. It is a degrading process and a serious type of punishment.
A horizontal shifting of employee form one job to another without any job related increase in the pay, benefits and status of the employee is called transfer.
Types of transfer
i. Inter-departmental versus Intra-departmental
Inter-departmental means transfer of employees form one department to another within same job classification.
Intra-departmental means transfer form one job to another within same department.
The salary range, responsibilities and duties are the same or similar for both the jobs.
ii. Voluntary(Requested) Versus Involuntary(Imposed)
When the employee himself applies for a transfer to some other position within the same job classification, it is called voluntary transfer. An employee may request for a transfer to another position within or outside the department. When employees are transferred by the organization for administrative or other reasons without their concurrence, it is called involuntary transfer.
iii. Replacement transfers
This type of transfer is made to retain long service employees. The long standing employee replaces a new employee and thereby gets relief from the heavy pressure of work.
iv. Versatility transfers
Also called rotation this transfer is made to develop all round employees by moving them form one job to another. This helps to reduce boredom and monotony.
v. Remedial transfer
Such a transfer is made to rectify mistakes in selection and placement. As a follow up, wrongly placed employee is transferred to a more suitable job. The employee may not be getting along with his supervisor or colleagues.
vi. Production transfer
Such transfers are made when labour requirements in one factory or branch are declining. The surplus employees who are efficient or trained might be adsorbed in other places to avoid layoff. Such transfers help to stabilize employment.
vii. Shift transfer
Employees may be shifted from one shift to another for personal reasons, e.g. marriage, infant care, old parents , etc.