Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction is an attitude that people have about their job. It is a set of favourable or unfavourable feelings and emotions with which employees view their work. Job satisfaction describes a positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. Definition According to DuBrins Job satisfaction is the amount […]

Social Facilitation Effect

Social Facilitation Effect   Social facilitation effect refers to the tendency for performance to improve or decline in response to the presence of others. Though this tendency is applicable to individual performance also as some individuals do better in presence of some but poor in presence of some others. Because of operation of social facilitation […]

Group Dynamics

Group Dynamics The term group dynamics contains two terms : Group and Dynamics. Group is basically a collectivity of two or more persons. Dynamics comes from Greek word meaning force. Thus Groups Dynamics refers to the interaction of forces between group members in a social situation. Group Dynamics encompasses the dynamics of interaction patterns within […]

Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Behavior Concept Organisational Behaviour is concerned with that aspect of human behavior which is relevant for organizational performance. It studies human behavior at individual level, group level and organizational level. It applies the knowledge gained about individuals, groups and the effect of organization structure in behavior towards the end of making organizations work more […]

Code of Discipline

Code of Discipline In India, the problem of industrial discipline was debated by the Indian Labour Conference held in 1957. The Conference noted the alarming record of breach of discipline by employers and employees. A sub-committee was appointed to draft a model Code of Discipline which would be acceptable to all. A Code of Discipline […]

History of Computers

History of Computers   Until the development of the first generation computers based on vacuum tubes, there had been several developments in the computing technology related to the mechanical computing devices. Let us have a look at the major milestones which led to present day computers: 3000 B.C.   The Abacus – a rudimentary first […]

Thesis Writing

Thesis Writing Thesis writing is the final stage of the research. It provides the achievement of detailed knowledge over the problems. When a researcher takes a problem for study he finds modifications of his study. He applies some new techniques. There are three types of researchers who take their study in different ways: the post-graduates […]

Research Methods

Research Methods The aim of science is to provide new and useful information in the form of verifiable data obtained under conditions such that other qualified people can make similar observations and obtain the same results. This task calls for orderliness and precision in uncovering relationships and in communicating them to others. Experimental Method An […]

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