Organizational Development

5. Team Building

The team or work group is the primary unit in the organization, and there is an increasing reliance on project teams, task force groups and committee to accomplish organization goals. French and Bell have opined that ‘probably the most important single group of interventions in the OD are the team-building activities, the goals of which are the  improvement and increased effectiveness of various teams within the organization.


Various steps of team building process are not one shot action; rather they are repetitive and cyclical as indicated by arrows in the following figure:

i. Problem solving

At this stage generally most of the members come forward with their arguments as to what the real problems are. The problem can be organizational problems, group problems or even personal problems. In problem identification the emphases should be on consensus. Much of the problems may be solved through effective communication and training sessions.

ii. Examining Differences

The perception of people on an issue differs because of their differing backgrounds, such as their value systems, personality and attitudes. The perception may be brought to conformity through the process of exercise on perception which involves a number of psychological exercises particularly on perceptual differences. The role of communication is important in this context because it will help clarifying the actual problems to the members.

iii. Giving and receiving feedback

Often members report about the painful feelings that they have at the time of evaluation of their feelings. The discussion should continue until all members of the team have commented. The feedback should be given to the members about their feelings, about the issue, the way people talk about the issue, the staying with the topic or going off on tangents, who was talking more or who was talking less, who was trying to resolve the differences etc. such feedback generally provides members to evaluate the values but at the same time, also provides opportunity to understand themselves. The concept of Johari window may also be applied. This suggests that even people are not fully aware of themselves.

iv. Developing interactive skills

The basic objective of this process is to increase the ability among the people as to how they should interact with others and engage in constructive behavior. At the time of discussion of feedback, people themselves take assignments to increase specific constructive behaviors and decrease specific negative behaviors. If this process is adopted several times, there is a strong possibility that members may learn constructive behaviours and leave negative behaviours. This is quite helpful in developing teamwork.

v. Follow-up action

This is the final stage in team building. At this stage, the total team is convened to review what has been learned and to identify what the next step should be Follow-up action is also helps in overcoming in overcoming the drawback involved at the initial stages of team building. It involves deciding who will take care of each area of the team’s responsibilities, and who will be responsible for team projects in a group hat has not developed as satisfactory division of responsibility, clarifying and settling differences in perception concerning responsibility and authority in the team, with complex division of responsibility and authority among members.

These attempts bring cooperation and supportive feelings among people involved in the  functioning.


i. It improves the organization’s problem solving and decision making ability.

ii. It helps in developing effective interpersonal relationships by stimulating the group members for that.

iii. It helps developing communication within the group and inter-group and overcoming many psychological barriers that block communication flow.


i. It focuses only on work teams, and other major organizational variables, such as technology, structure etc. are not given adequate attention.

ii. Team building becomes a complicated exercise when there is frequent change in team members. New member may find it difficult to adjust with the team because of his confusion over his roles in terms of task performance and building good relationships.

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