Organizational Development

OD Interventions/OD Tools/OD Techniques


OD interventions refers to various activities which a consultant and client organization perform for improving organizational performance through enabling organizational members better manage their behavior, their work group, and organisational culture. The OD practitioner is a professional well versed in the theory and practice of organisational development. The practitioner bring four sets of attributes to the organisational settings, a set of values, a set of assumption about people, organisations and interpersonal relationships, a set of goals and objectives both for the practitioners and for the organisation and its members, and a set of structured activities that are the means to implementing the values, assumptions and goals. These activities are the ‘interventions’.


According to French and Bell

OD interventions are set of structured activities in which selected organisational units (targets, groups or individuals) engage with a task or sequence of tasks where the task goals are related directly or indirectly to organisational improvements. Interventions constitute the action thrust of organisation development ; they make things happen and are what’s happening.

Classification of OD Interventions

There are various OD interventions and they are classified in different ways. On the basis of approach adopted in using OD interventions, these are classified into two categories : process interventions and structural interventions.

Process interventions are those which emphasize process to accomplish a change

Structural interventions are those which involve an adjustment or change in the organisation’s structure to accomplish changed goals.

Process OD Interventions Structural OD Interventions
Sensitivity training Job redesign
Team building Work schedule options
Survey feedback Process consultation
Behavioural modification Management by obejectives
Grid organisation development Collateral organisation
Career planning Decision centers
Job expectation technique
Organsaitional renewal process

On the basis of target of OD interventions, these can be designed to improve the effectiveness of individuals, dyads, teams and groups, intergroup relations and total organisation.

Target Interventions





Life and career planning
Role analysis technique
Coaching and counseling
Sensitivity training
Skill development for technical task, relationships, decision making, problem solving, planning and goal setting.
Grid OD phase I


Process Consultation
Third party peace making

Grid OD phase I and II




Teams and Groups

Team building
Family T-group
Survey feedback process consultation
Role analysis technique
Skill development for decision making, problem solving, planning and goal setting in group activities.




Intergroup relations

Intergroup activities
Organisational mirroring
Techno-structural interventions
Process consultation
Third party peace making at group  level
Survey feedback
Grid OD phase II



Total organisation

Techno-structural interventions
Confrontation meetings
Strategic planning activities
Survey feedback
Grid OD phases IV, V and VI

Some of these interventions are discussion below:

1. Sensitivity Training

Sensitivity training also known as T-group approach  (T stands for training), laboratory training or encounter group. It evolved from group dynamics concept of Kurt Lewin. The first sensitivity training session was held in 1946 in State Teachers College, New Britain, USA. Since then it spread to numerous training centers in the USA and other countries.

Sensitivity in one word is empathy. It is ability of an individual to sense what others feel and think from their own point of view.


i. To make participants increasingly aware of, and sensitive to, the emotional reactions and expressions in themselves and others.

ii. To increase the ability of participants to perceive, and to learn from, the consequences of their actions through attention to their own and other’s feelings.

iii. To stimulate the clarification and development of personal values and goals.

iv. To develop behavioural effectiveness in participants.

v. To develop concepts and theoretical framework for linking personal values and goals to actions.

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