Contribution of various scholars to Management/Work of Various Management Scholars/Researchers

Contribution of various scholars to Management/Work of Various Scholars/Researchers


Contribution of various scholars to Management

1. Henry Fayol

i. Founder of modern management methods.

ii. Was a French mining engineer, mining executive, author and director of mines who developed a general theory of business administration.

iii. Father of modern Management

iv. Father of Operational Management

v. Father of Administrative Management

vi. Used the Term Administration instead of Management.

vii. 14 Principles of Management

viii. Fayol emphasizes that administration to be successful requires undertaking five important functions (POCCC)-Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Co-coordinating, Controlling.

ix. Won a Nobel Prize in metallurgy in 1921

x. Fayol was 1st to identify the qualities of Manager:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Moral
  • Educational
  • Technical
  • Experience

xi. His activities of Industrial organization can be divided into 6 groups:

  • Technical
  • Commercial
  • Financial
  • Security
  • Accounting
  • Managerial

xii. Books

  • “Administration Industrielle et Generale “ in French later translated to English
  • “Industrial and General Administration” Translated by J.A. Coubrough
  • “General and Industrial Management” Translated by C. Storrs, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons


2. F.W. Taylor

i. Was an American mechanical engineer who sought to improve industrial efficiency.

ii. Propounded Scientific management concept

iii. Known as the father of management

iv. Father of Industrial Engineering

v. Books

  • The Principles of Scientific Management
  • Concrete costs
  • Shop management


3. Henry Gantt

i. American mechanical engineer and management consultant

ii. He created the Gantt chart

iii. The task and bonus system: Gantt’s task and bonus wage system was introduced in 1901 as a variation on Taylor’s differential piece-rate system. He linked the bonus paid to managers to how well they taught their employees to improve performance. With Gantt’s system, the employee received a bonus in addition to his regular day rate if he accomplished the task for the day; he would still receive the day rate even if the task was not completed, whereas Taylor’s piece-rate system penalized employees for substandard performance. As a result of introducing Gantt’s system, which enabled workers to earn a living while learning to increase their efficiency, production often more than doubled.

iv. The social responsibility of business : He believed that businesses have obligations to the welfare of the society in which they operate.


4. Henry Mintzberg

i. Mintzberg published his Ten Management Roles in his book, “Mintzberg on Management: Inside our Strange World of Organizations,” in 1990.

ii. The ten roles are:

  • Figurehead
  • Leader
  • Liaison
  • Monitor
  • Disseminator
  • Spokesperson
  • Entrepreneur
  • Disturbance Handler
  • Resource Allocator
  • Negotiator

iii. The 10 roles are then divided up into three categories, as follows:

  • Interpersonal
  • Figurehead
  • Leader
  • Liaison
  • Informational
  • Monitor
  • Disseminator
  • Spokesperson
  • Decisional
  • Entrepreneur
  • Disturbance Handler
  • Resource Allocator
  • Negotiator

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