Concept of Management – Meaning, Definitions, Nature, Features and Importance

Concept of Management Meaning, Definitions, Nature and Importance of Management   Concept of Management  Meaning Management is the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a non-profit organization, or a government body. It involves the way the managing body takes decisions, deals with employees, and interacts with the business environment. Scholar from different […]

Trait Theory of Personality – Assumptions, Important Trait Theories, Strengths and Weaknesses

Trait theory Assumptions, Important Trait Theories, Strengths and Weaknesses Trait theory presents a quantitative approach to the study of personality. It visualizes personality as reflection of certain traits of the individual. This theory postulates that an individual’s personality is composed of definite pre-dispositional attributes called traits. A trait may be defined as any distinguishable, relatively […]

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