Trade Union Strucutre

II. Union Classified on the basis of Membership Structure

On this basis, four types of unions have been recognized:

i. Craft Union

It is an organization of workers employed in a particular craft, trade or occupation. Such organization links together those workers who have similar skills, craft training and specialization. It may cover all workers engaged in a particular craft irrespective of the industries in which they are employed. Thus, electricians though working in different industries may form a union of electricians. There may be separate unions for carpenters, fitters etc. The Ahmedabad Weaver’s Union, The Kanpur Suti Mill Mazdoor Sabha, Indian Pilot’s Guide are the examples of such unions. Due to their identical training and skills, members of a craft union tend to develop similar outlook and unity among them is easier. Members are generally craft conscious rather than class conscious.

Craft unions are horizontal in character because their members belong to a single process or group of processes. In India craft unions are found largely among white collar workers and professionals such as Government employees, bank employees, doctors, lawyers, teachers etc.

ii. Staff Union

The term staff union is popularly used to refer both craft and industrial unions.  The staff union seeks to recruit members of non-manual sectors including clerks, supervisors, draughtsmen, computerists, operators, technicians, managers etc. As the tertiary sector emerges on the economic platform, the number of employees working in such a sector (like health, services, local services etc.) also increases, the persons working therein  joins such unions.

iii. Industrial Unions

An industrial union is organized upon an industry-wise rather than a craft wise basis. It members belong to different crafts within the same industry. The Textile Labour Association of Ahmedabad,The Rashtriya Mill Mazdoor Sangh, Bombay, The Labour  Mines Mazdoor Sangh , Udaipur are important examples. Such organsiations are vertical in nature because they enroll all types of workers in an industry.

iv. General Unions

This type of union consist of workers employed in different industries and crafts within a particular city or region. The Jamshedpur Union is one example. In India there are several industry cum region unions due to concentration of some industries in particular regions.

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