Wage Determination

Wage determination Wages mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some contract to his workers for the services rendered by them. Wages, therefore, include family allowance, relief pay, financial support and other benefits. But, in the narrower sense wages are the price paid for the services of labour in the process of production […]

Exit Policy and Implications

Exit Policy and Implications The term ‘exit’ means the right of an industrial unit to close down. Exit policy means the policy regarding the retrenchment of the surplus labour force resulting from restructuring of industrial units and workers displaced by the closure of sick units. Exit may become necessary due to strategic reasons, financial constraints […]

HRD Matrix – Instruments, Processes, Outcomes and Organizational Effectiveness

HRD Matrix   The HRD Matrix shows the interrelationships between HRD instruments, processes, outcomes and organisational effectiveness as shown in the following figure: 1. HRD instruments These include performance appraisal, counselling, role analysis, potential development, training, communication policies, job rotations, rewards, job enrichment programmes, etc. These instruments may vary depending on the size of the […]

Organizational Effectiveness

Organizational Effectiveness There are various terms that are often used to denote organizational effectiveness such as efficiency, productivity, profitability and organizational growth. It is the concept of how effective an organization is in achieving the outcomes the organization intends to produce.  According to Barnard Organizational effectiveness is the degree to which operative goals have been […]

Organizational Development

Organizational  development Meaning Organizational Development is an organization improvement strategy. The term Organizational Development refers to a broad range of behavioural science based strategies used to diagnose the need for change in organizations and to implement changes when necessary. OD is used to encompass a collection of planned change interventions. In nutshell, change management deals […]

Organizational Growth

Organisational Growth A very useful model of organizational growth was developed by Greiner. He argues that growing organization move through five relatively calm periods of evolution, each of which ends with a period of crisis and revolution. According to Greiner, ‘each revolutionary period is characterized by the dominant management style used to achieve growth, while […]

Organizational Change

Organizational Change More and more organizations today face a dynamic and changing environment. So the organization is required to adapt this change . “Change or die” is the rallying cry among today’s managers worldwide. Therefore, in this dynamic society surrounding today’s organizations, the question before the managers is not whether change will take place or […]

Sensitivity training

Sensitivity Training Sensitivity training also known as T-group approach  (T stands for training), laboratory training or encounter group. It evolved from group dynamics concept of Kurt Lewin. The first sensitivity training session was held in 1946 in State Teachers College, New Britain, USA. Since then it spread to numerous training centers in the USA and […]

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