Interpersonal Behaviour
Interpersonal behavior is the interaction between two or more persons. It is imperative to building and maintaining any type of relationship in our social world. However, when looking at interpersonal behavior in the workplace, things become a little more complicated. People spend a large portion of their time in an organisation interacting with others. These interactions provide the connective tissues that help to hold the subparts of the organisation together. While there are exceptions, in general, these interactions are paired Relationships, that is, they are two person contacts—with superior, subordinate, co-worker, or outsider. This dyadic relationship involves an interaction in which both may behave in a particular way which may be either cooperative or conflicting. Thus, there may be either cooperative interpersonal behaviour or conflicting interpersonal behaviour. Reasons for such behaviour can be attributed to personality differences, different value system, and conflict of interest and last but not the least role ambiguity between the two individuals.
The individual dimensions of organisational behavior viz., personality, perception, learning, attitudes, values, emotional intelligence, and motivation, shape an individual’s behaviour. These dimensions are changed to a certain degree when the individual comes in contact with others in the organisation where he interacts:
i. on one to one basis.
ii. on one to group basis,
iii. on group to one basis.
iv. on group to group basis.
In each basis of interaction, the individual faces different types of situations. Therefore, how he affects the behaviour of others and how his behaviour is affected by others differ.
Transactional Analysis
Transactional analysis is the study of individual in the organization when he is interacting with other individual on social front or professional front. In other words TA refers to a method of analyzing and understanding interpersonal behaviour. When people interact, there is social transaction in which one person responds to another The study of these transactions between people is called Transactional analysis. TA was originally developed by Erie .Berne for psychotherapy in 1950. He observed that there are several persons within one person and therefore an individual transacts in different ways with different persons in different situations. People spend considerable time interacting with each other. They transact in a way that may provide connecting tissues between two individuals, which may hold them together. This type of pair relationship is called Dyadic relationship. Transactional analysis offers a mode of expression of personality and dynamics of self and its relationship with others. It is a method of analyzing and understanding inter personal behaviour. Transactional analysis involves the analysis of the following factors:-
1. Analysis of awareness
2. Ego State
3. Analysis of transactions
4. Script analysis
5. Psychological Games
6. Study of life positions
7. Stroking