Thesis Writing

Thesis Writing Thesis writing is the final stage of the research. It provides the achievement of detailed knowledge over the problems. When a researcher takes a problem for study he finds modifications of his study. He applies some new techniques. There are three types of researchers who take their study in different ways: the post-graduates […]

Research Methods

Research Methods The aim of science is to provide new and useful information in the form of verifiable data obtained under conditions such that other qualified people can make similar observations and obtain the same results. This task calls for orderliness and precision in uncovering relationships and in communicating them to others. Experimental Method An […]

Research Process

Research Process   Research Process Steps The following order concerning various steps provide a useful procedural  guideline regarding research process : Formulation of Research Problem Literature Survey Developing Hypothesis Preparing Research Design Determining Sample Design Collection of Data Execution of Project Analysis of data Hypothesis Testing Generalization and Interpretation Preparation of Report Formulation of Research […]

Psychology Theories

Psychology Theories Much of what we know about human thought and behavior has emerged thanks to various psychology theories. For example, behavioral theories demonstrated how conditioning can be used to learn new information and behaviors. Psychology students typically spend a great deal of time studying these different theories. Some theories have fallen out of favor, […]

Types of Communication

Types of Communication    Following are the different types of communication : A. On the basis of the number of participants. This classification of communication is based on ‘either a man communicate with himself, or two men communicate with each other, or more than two Men are indulged in this act.’ Intra-personal Communication When a […]

Business Communication

Business Communication   Definition According  to Newstrom and Keith Davis- “Business Communication is a multi-dimensional, dynamic and interactive process that involves the effective transmission of facts, ideas, thoughts and systematic understanding of scientific theories and practical aspects.” Business Communication always has specialized content, specific audience, specific purpose, specific time and specific place. Features of Business Communication […]

Communication Process

Communication Process  The cycle of communication involves the following elements, which demonstrate the basic concept of communication process Communication Process Sender   —> Message  -> Encoding -> Channel —> Receiver —> Decoding -» Feedback (i) Sender/Communicator Communication process begins with the sender. The person who conveys the message is known as sender or communicator. The sender […]

IPR-Intellectual Property Rights

IPR-Intellectual Property Rights   Introduction Intellectual property (IP) is a legal field that refers to creations of the mind such as musical, literary, and artistic works; inventions; and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, and related rights. Under intellectual property law, the holder of one of these abstract “properties” has certain […]

Public Finance

Public Finance Meaning,Nature and Scope    Meaning  The word public refers to general people and the word finance means resources. So Public Finance means resources of the masses,how they are collected and utilized.Thus, it is the branch of economics that studies the taxing and spending activities of government. It is that branch of general economics […]

Artificial Intelligence

Meaning, Definition and Applications of Artificial Intelligence   Meaning “Intelligence is a state of grasping the truth, involving reason, concerned with action about what is good or bad for human being”. “Artificial is, what is not real or natural”. We may term intelligence possessed by human beings as real intelligence because human beings develop this […]

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